Michael & Elizabeth Pavlis
September 5th 2010
Processional Music
Stand for bride’s entrance.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Chris, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
And also with you.
Presentation of the Bride
Who presents Elizabeth for marriage? We do.
Do you then give your love and blessing to this new family? We do.
Gathering together in wedding celebration, on this beautiful mountain top, each of us may be tempted to examine our own lives… to look at the place of love in our personal relationships. Love is powerful like that. We can withhold it, or we can freely give it. I pray we can each take this time to rededicate ourselves to living lives of love and compassion.
Dear friends, we have come together today, in the presence of God, to celebrate the marriage of Michael and Elizabeth, to surround them with our prayers, and to share in their joy.
The union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind, is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity, as lover, companion, and friend. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with God’s purpose for our lives.
Let us pray for God’s continued blessing,
Beloved God,
We welcome your presence in our hearts today.
We have come together as a community of family and friends to bless the vows of Michael and Elizabeth and the beginning of their journey together as husband and wife.
We pray that they enter into the deepest mysteries and wonders of love and therein create a safe haven in their hearts for each other.
May they know the peace that comes from truly being received, and known, and accepted, by another.
May their love for each other enrich them as individuals and provide a safe and loving environment for the family they are creating.
Guide them and bless them, that they may know that there is nothing more priceless than the gift of loving one another, as they journey through life side by side.
We also ask for a blessing of renewal, of devotion and kindness
For each of us present, and for peace in the whole world, that we may demonstrate our love for you, through our love of each other in all of our relationships.
Michael and Elizabeth please turn and face me as I share these words,
A reading by William Penn:
Never marry but for love; but see that thou lovest what is lovely. If love be not the chiefest motive, thou wilt soon grow weary of a married state and stray from thy promise, to search out thy pleasures in forbidden places...
Between a man and his wife nothing ought to rule but love ... As love ought to bring them together, so it is the best way to keep them well together.
A husband and wife that love and value one another show their children... that they should do so too. Others visibly lose authority in their families by their contempt of one another, and teach their children to be unnatural by their own examples.
Let not enjoyment lessen, but augment, affection; it being the basest of passions to like when we have not, what we slight when we possess.
Here it is we ought to search out our pleasure, where the field is large and full of variety, and of an enduring nature; sickness, poverty or disgrace being not able to shake it because it is not under the moving influences of worldly contingencies.
Nothing can be more entire and without reserve; nothing more zealous, affectionate and sincere; nothing more contented than such a couple, nor greater temporal felicity than to be one of them.
Sermon –
Mike, Elizabeth, I have to admit, writing a sermon befitting this occasion was difficult for me. To be honest I just wrote this last night while sitting on my bed in the hotel. And I’d struggled over the last few weeks wracking my brain for scripture that would be appropriate, and meaningful. My biggest problem is that every wedding sermon sounds like the next. They all use the Corinthian words of Love, love is patient love is kind…, or the Jesus’ wedding miracle as their text.
Mike you know me better than to think I’d get up here and use anything ordinary. And Elizabeth, I certainly hope Mike’s warned you enough that you knew you weren’t getting Sister Mary Grace up here leading this party.
Finally last night I came across something I could use. Its from Ecclesiaties, which in its fullest form isn’t found in most Bibles.. Also known as Sirach (sirock) , Chapter 26, and sounding much like a fortune cookie.
“Happy the husband of a good wife, twice-lengthened are his days.”
My immediate reaction, Elizabeth wasn’t to tell you to be a good wife in order to make this man happy. No, I’m too liberated for that. In fact I usually avoid these verses of submission and dominance to the male…
But then I thought about it for a few moments and it occurred to me, No, no,. This itty bitty slice of the bible that most have never heard, has a strong and powerful message for us today. And its dead on. God is very clearly speaking to the two of you... Or at least I’d like to think so because it makes up my sermon.
Mike, I’m afraid to tell you this, but although it seems to be directed Elizabeht on why she should be a good wife, this scripture is actually directed towards you.
Because the way I see it is this, try and follow please, If it is the happy husband that has a good wife and “twice legnethne days” to his life, than it must be the unhappy husband who has half has many days. See the happiness of the husband doesn’t depend on the goodness of the wife. For, if you have a good wife, and you’re not being happy about it, darn right your life will be cut short, your wife, I, your family won’t stand for you to be unhappy with Elizabeth as your wife. See, you’re not going to have a good wife, you’re going to have a great wife and we’ll make sure you stay happy about it. If you don’t your days will assuredly be cut short.
Now Elizabeth don’t get too excited. I promised you I wouldn’t bring up those submit to your husband passages, but I will say this. In a world surrounded by ideal visions of happily ever after it can be hard dealing with the true grit of being married. Men are more complicated than they want us to believe, and let’s be honest, us women, we’re not the simpliest creatures to deal with either.
And there may be times when you will feel you are more worried about feeding and clothing your family than he is. Rest assured, this won’t be the case. Men are strange beings that like to provide for their families in secret. Working their hardest behind the scenes, providing for their family without excpecting to be recognized for such. Mike is commiting to you today all that he has and all that he will be. I have no doubts he will be a happy husband for being with you.
But this I give to you during those times when you are worried, and the daily life is a struggle… a reading from Matthew, …
Now another reason I do not like the Corinthians text is that its not even speaking of the kind of love we celebrate here today. Its not about the passion and commitment these two lovers have made. I share with you a reading from Song of Solomon….
That is the kind of love I pray is lived out between you. So be happy, do not worry, and have a passion for one another that is an intertwining of independence and intimacy.
There’s one more I’d like to share with you. … a reading from Isaiah, God speaks to us…
So with the Lord’s help you two will be happy, not inclined to worry, live long fruitful days, and have kids that won’t be juvenile delinquents or worse.
All glory be to God, Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Declaration of Intent
Michael and Elizabeth, I have shared with you, in word and prayer, the means and intentions of a loving, faithful, supportive union.
Is it in this spirit and for this purpose that you desire to be joined together?
M&E: It is.
Declaration of Vows
Michael and Elizabeth, I invite you now to make public your intentions toward one another as husband and wife. Please face each other now (hold hands, pass bouquet).
You will be tested by the daily routines of life, by chance and by circumstance. Together you must encounter life’s sorrows no less than its sweetness, and its frustrations with grace and ease. You must keep enthusiasm for one another, being caregivers, and living out a life of trust.
Michael, do you understand and accept such responsibility and do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving, healthy, and happy marriage?
M: I do
Elizabeth, do you understand and accept such responsibility and do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving, healthy, and happy marriage?
E: I do.
Jon, I’m hoping you remembered to bring Elizabeth’s ring.
Michael, holding her left hand prepare to place her ring, and repeat after me:
I, Michael William Pavlis, recieve you Elizabeth Marie Fernandez…
as my wife, my lover, and my best friend…
I am choosing to share with you all of life’s blessings…
The joys and sorrows, the successes and disappointments…
Elizabeth, I will love you and cherish you always..
I promise you this for all the days of my life…
Elizabeth, repeat after me:
I, Elizabeth Marie Fernandez, receive you Michael William Pavlis …
as my husband, my lover, and my best friend…
I am choosing to share with you all of life’s blessings…
The joys and sorrows, the successes and disappointments…
Michael, I will love you and cherish you always..
I promise you this for all the days of my life…
Michael and Elizabeth, please turn and face those present to support you today.
Family, friends, and all those gathered here with Michael and Elizabeth, now I ask you,
will you support and care for them, sustain and pray for them in times of trouble, give thanks with them in times of joy, honor the bonds of their covenant, and affirm the love of God reflected in their life together? If so, answer, “we will.”
Michael and Elizabeth, have declared their intentions and vows before us this day. Those whom God has joined together, let no one separate.
Turn again to face me, please.
Now this is where most would say, Husband, you may kiss your bride. I’m not a fan. So instead, I’ll say this, Bride, you may kiss your husband!
I offer this blessing for you,
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be the shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be the warmth for the other.
Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before. Go now to your dwelling place to enter into the days of your life together.
And may your days be good and long upon the earth.
May God almighty send you light and truth to keep you all the days of you life. The hand of God protect you, the holy angels accompany you , and the blessing of Almighty God, Creator, Son and the Holy Sprit be with you now and forever.
Go in peace to serve and love God and all of God’s majestic creation.
Thanks be to God.
I present to you Michael and Elizabeth Pavlis!
Applause and recessional
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